Simple Social Media Content you can Create Now

Do we all know the acronym KISS? Keep It Simple Stupid. Yes your product or service may have technical details, but social media content needs to be easily digestible. Break detailed explanations down into multiple posts, therefore creating more content!

Bring it back to basics, you have potential clients landing on your page and if they can’t easily see where you are located, what you look like and what you do, they will move on.

Your core product/service content should be scattered with info on your premises. It can be coincidental like a video showing your lovely window display or Christmas decorations, while also capturing your location to show potential clients where you are.

Simple Social Media Content you can Create Now

Little snapshots of certificates and qualifications as well as any Continual Professional Development you complete are excellent content ideas. Sharing respected industry content like your governing body or industry groups you’re a member of also show how you stay current.

And we all want to shy from the camera, but people buy from people, so if they can see you before they make the leap to use your product or service, you will build trust more quickly.

Simple Social Media Content you can Create Now

Based on the Marketing Rule of 7 and more recent research by Forrester, a potential customer needs to consume between 7-12 different pieces of your content before a purchase decision. So keeping up with some quality, simple content is the best strategy.

If creating an Instagram Reel or talking in front of the camera are too much right now, follow these simple image content ideas for posts as well as multiple image carousels:

  • Gift Vouchers
  • Business Cards
  • Business Entrance
  • Waiting Area
  • Product Shots
  • Premises/Rooms
  • Orders Arriving
  • Seasonal Decorations
  • Headshot in Premises or in branded clothing

Try and think creatively, instead of just one shot of your gift voucher against the table or desk, take another shot of it coming out of the envelope, another shot of the business card alongside the voucher, or even a short video of you opening a Gift Voucher from the envelope. You can repeat this content in a couple of weeks, just change the background of the table/desk/area behind.

If you need help with your social media get in touch!